5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Conferences
tech conferences

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Conferences

George Bernard Shaw captured the true essence, purpose, and importance of attending tech conferences.

He said, “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas”.

Ideas are like happiness. It grows only when you share it.

Sharing your ideas out loud with like-minded people or even better, presenting those ideas on forums in front of an audience brings in new perspectives.

Ideas, when presented and discussed, come out more refined than what they originally were presented as.

And what better platform than a tech conference to present and share your ideas!


A tech conference is like the ‘Mecca’ of opportunities. It’s all about meeting the right people at the right time in the right place.

It can give your career or small business or tech startup the extra boost. In fact, If you are a tech entrepreneur, a tech conference is a place for you to be in.

In reality, a tech conference is a hotbed for investors, customers, peers, and competitors. 

However, attending a tech conference is not just always play; it is a solemn task and requires a great level of commitment.

Attending and making the best out of any conference requires a commitment not only in terms of time but also in terms of money and planning.

After all, in the words of Sir Francis Bacon, “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man.”

In case you are still confused about investing in attending a tech conference or participating in one, then these five reasons will make for a solid case for why you should attend at least one.

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Conferences

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Tech Conferences

#1 Networking 

In the words of Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics and Digital Leader, “Social media can augment when time and distances are issues, but you can’t replace face-to-face communication.”

Social media interactions might be the rage of the day but interestingly enough, it never has and never will be a complete substitute for a personal meeting.

Personal meetings have the power to invoke emotions and put in a soul to every conversation.

Start small. Start with networking events in and around your city.

Of course, they won’t give you global exposure or access to the best of resources but it will give you a chance to identify what is beneficial for you.

Based on these first-hand experiences, you can then step out of your comfort zone and attend bigger or international tech conferences.

International conferences not only help you to broaden your horizons but also connect you with the possibilities of establishing your business in other countries.

It presents you with an opportunity to market your business ideas in other cultures. At the same time, the sharing of ideas might bring in fresh perspectives for your business.

Attending an international tech conference where business heads and startup founders from all over speak about diversity and new trends can prove to be revolutionary for both your business and the tech industry as a whole.


#2 Meet Investors

Tech conferences make for the perfect setting to meet investors that you can subtly pitch to for your startup.

It is, in fact, one of those ‘not to miss opportunities’ to secure startup funding for your business.

Even if that does not work out, you at least get to discuss the pitch with fellow entrepreneurs or investors and get their feedback.

These days, tech conferences usually have a planned schedule to connect entrepreneurs with investors.

Make the most of this opportunity. Investors like Steve Anderson of Baseline Ventures and Theresia Gouw of Aspect Ventures are regular in attending conferences.

For all we know, you might be the next person to pitch a new idea to them.

#3 Stay Ahead In The Game

By attending tech conferences and startup events, you can stay ahead of others and be aware of new and emerging trends.

Tech conferences are the largest exhibit of startup ideas and disruptive technologies.

From learning about 5G technologies to autonomous cars to IoT, tech conferences are packed with the best of the best.

Pep talks from beginners to top tech entrepreneurs, you have it all.

International conferences like Web Summit, RISE, SXSW, Collision, Web Summithave a record of inviting distinguished speakers like Elon Musk of SpaceX and Reed Hastings of Netflix.

These speakers are experts in their own right and throw light on the future of the tech industry as a whole.

#4 Cultivate New Perspective

Your biggest take away by attending any tech conference would definitely be a new outlook towards business in particular and life in general.

Being among and engaging with the top minds in the world will help you to cultivate a whole new perspective.

You will get out of the rut of your everyday activities and be infused with new ideas and vigor to implement it in your business.


Every new person you meet is a door to an entirely new world. Even a small conference can completely alter your perspective.

Seeing that, one can only imagine what international conferences like TNW, Collision, and RISE could possibly offer?

Tech conferences are indeed a life-changing experience that revitalizes your relationship with your business.

#5 Become An Expert

If you are an innovator with an authoritative position in your industry, a tech conference is a place for you to be.

You are an expert in your industry and presenting in conferences will further strengthen your knowledge and position.

Start small and pave your way towards bigger and international conferences.

Sharing the same stage as that of the world’s top tech entrepreneurs, that’s the dream, right?

To be completely honest, speaking in front of a large audience is no cakewalk and even the best of people get stage frights.

But again to err is completely human. What is more important is to try and never give up.

Start with conferences like TEDx. Build from there and pay heed to feedback very seriously and work on improving yourself.

Final Thoughts

Still, need reasons on why you should attend tech conferences?

Yes, startup life means treading on the unknown path, you do not know who or what you would encounter at the next turn.

But isn’t dealing with the uncertain and unknown that makes the process interesting?

Tech conferences do just that. Apart from gaining insights and gaining knowledge, these conferences are the easiest path to get to know new people.

It actually allows you to have fun while you’re working.

Presently, the world is witnessing a tremendous rise in the number of conferences that are being held locally and globally.

A platform for like-minded individuals to meet and exchange ideas.

Startup events today embrace a large number of young professionals who are striving each day to innovate, create and share.

So, find some that work best for you and attend them!

Starting a tech business? Build it on a .tech domain!

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