Drone Go Home: An Innovative Drone Detection System

Do we need a drone detection system?

Drone crashes are a random occurrence that has become a major nightmare for security agencies. Whatever your concern – air travel, critical infrastructure, privacy, safeguarding public venues, etc., Drone Go Home’s drone detection system delivers flexible drone protection solutions. We speak with Linda Ziemba, the Founding CEO of AeroDefense.tech, to talk about their patent-pending drone detection system and the upcoming trends in the drone business. Read on!.

What inspired you to start Aero Defense? Tell us the story.

Linda Ziemba, the Founding CEO of Drone Go Home.Tech
Linda Ziemba, the Founding CEO of Drone Go Home.Tech

When I saw the drone crash at the 2015 US Tennis Open, it occurred to me that there was a big security and privacy issuing brewing. I looked at the market, the available security solutions seemed like taking a hammer to kill a fly.

Other solutions provided by large military defense contractors seemed to me like they would have to be tweaked and adjusted to a great extent for them to detect a very small, bird-like object capable of flying below the radar.

Even if these systems could reasonably be adjusted, my thought was they would be too expensive and complicated for regular folks to operate.

Other start-ups were offering sensor types limited by weather, lighting conditions, sound and they required regular physical maintenance. I thought I could do better, so I started the company.

Tell us about your Patent Pending drone detection system. How does it work?

We use Internet Security techniques to electronically detect drones & pilots as well as disrupt and control drones for capture. Turns out drone mitigation is kind of a complex issue. As we peeled back the onion on mitigation we discovered we were violating a whole bunch of laws including FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) flight interference, FCC (Federal Communications Commission) network interference, and DOJ (Department of Justice) wiretapping.

We quickly built a completely passive legal Radio Frequency based detection system to locate both Pilot and Drone. When our system detects drone activity, it alerts appropriate security staff via an audio/visual alert at a web-based command console.

AeroDefense – Reliable Drone Detection

Reliable Drone Detection


Tell us where can AeroDefense solutions  be applied?

  • Every prison’s age-old task to prevent contraband from entering the facility is exponentially harder with drones making deliveries.
  • Outdoor event venues need to protect their patrons and talent and prevent costly event disruptions from drones.
  • Critical infrastructure providers, such as oil and gas, are concerned about their competitors’ sneak peaking their operations and protection from any terrorist-style attacks.

What are the trends you foresee in the drones industry?    

Counter-UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) companies have grown from a handful of military-specific providers of very large, expensive systems to over 230 Counter-UAS providers. Many of these companies bet that legislation would change to allow mitigation or location extraction by non-military entities. As a small business, I could not afford to make that bet and it’s a good thing because regulation to allow mitigation has not really progressed much in the past two years. As a result of the regulatory challenges, I see a lot of shakeout and consolidation in the industry.

What are your future plans for AeroDefense?

For the first two years, we focused on refining technology and deploying to a small number of high profile clients. We plan to focus now on sales and marketing while we decide how to keep our technical advantage because some very well-funded companies are chasing us.

Why did you choose a .tech domain name? 

Initially, I became aware of .tech Domains because our .com was taken! Eventually, I chose .tech because it communicates quickly and clearly that our company is about technology, and it seems pretty cool.


Starting a new business in the drone-tech space? Get on a .tech Domain!

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