An Interview with Susan Guillory, President, Egg Marketing

How To Craft Marketing Strategies For Tech Startups? An Interview With Susan Guillory, President, Egg Marketing

Susan Guillory, President at Egg Marketing, spills the beans on how a tech startup should go about crafting and implementing a winning marketing strategy. 

When it comes to startup marketing, most tech startups are dumbfounded. This is primarily because there are so many elements that are needed to craft and implement a sharp and winning marketing strategy.

However, it doesn’t need to be all that complicated and tedious.

Interview With Susan Guillory, President, Egg Marketing

Let’s find out what Susan Guillory has to say!

What’s the story behind egg marketing? Tell us more about it.

In 2006, I found myself out of a job after working in the private sector in marketing for several years. Scrambling to find something to do, I stumbled upon a classified ad on MySpace (yes, MySpace!) looking for a press release writer.

I knew how to write them, so I scored the job. I quickly realized that there were tons of small businesses that couldn’t afford to hire a full-time marketing director and needed help with marketing, and so Egg was “hatched.”

I get asked about the name, Egg Marketing, a lot. While I was looking for a business name, I watched Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn. She worked in a bookstore called Embryo Books, I think.

I liked the idea of an embryo giving life to new ideas, but “Embryo Marketing” wasn’t going to cut it! After a little brainstorming, I came up with Egg Marketing instead!

What should a tech startup keep in mind when devising their content marketing strategy? 

Consistency is key. It’s easy to put content marketing at the bottom of a long list of tasks, but it’s one of the most important tools any startup has.

And just because you’re bringing in customers now doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get them tomorrow.

So, you’ve got to continually market and brand yourself through content to draw in new business.

67 Business Owners Share Entrepreneurial Advice To Their Younger Self

Every entrepreneur, newbie, or serial, can use valuable entrepreneurial advice when it comes to running their business or learning from other’s mistakes.

Towards this, we spoke with 67 business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs and requested them to share one key piece of entrepreneurial advice to their younger self.

SEO, content marketing, and social media–in what order should a tech startup deploy its efforts on these tactics?

I’m not an SEO professional, but I feel that SEO is the most important marketing element because it helps you to be found on search engines.

After that, content for sure, because you’ll then use SEO as you write blog posts, and people will find you in search results if you use the right keywords.

With social media, while it’s important, you’ve got to really focus on one or two platforms that your audience spends time on.

Just because all the cool kids are on Instagram doesn’t mean that your B2B software startup should be, because your audience isn’t there.

When it comes to startup marketing strategy, what are the top five metrics to focus on?

First, don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of data you have access to.

Most of it won’t be relevant. In my opinion, you should focus on:

  • Where your web traffic and sales are coming from (social media? ads? guest posts on other sites?)
  • The pages/posts people are visiting the most
  • Bounce rate (the higher it is, the more people landed on your homepage and didn’t find what they were looking for)
  • Email subscribers, open, and clickthrough rates
  • Social media likes, clicks, shares aka engagement

For new tech startups, is it advisable to outsource the marketing strategy implementation to an agency, or does it help to do it in-house?

It really depends on the startup’s bandwidth and resources.

Certainly, it’s more affordable to do it in-house, but if the founder isn’t a great marketer or writer or doesn’t have time to consistently create content and evaluate the marketing functions, he or she is going to fall short at the job, and that won’t do the startup any good.

It can be well worth the investment to hire a marketing agency for the job.

Yes, it’s yet another expense, but it will pay for itself once your startup establishes its foothold in your industry thanks to great thought leadership content, SEO, and social media presence.

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